Welcome to Wesley Uniting Church

Worship Is Our First Priority And Our Greatest Joy

At Wesley we place our best efforts into providing worship that is nourishing and uplifting, with music and preaching of the highest calibre. We hope all people will leave our worship services encouraged in their journey of faith, and challenged to serve God each and every day.

Church Services

Sunday 9th February - Ephiphany 5

9am - Sam Launt / Geoff Dornan OoS
10:45am - Geoff Dornan OoS

Sunday 16th February - Ephiphany 6

9am - Bruce Stevens / Brad Opdyke
10:45am - Bruce Stevens / Brad Opdyke




Wesley Music Centre is co-located with Wesley Uniting Church and we share a strong interest in music.
Narcissism Seminars 2–23 February 2025

Rev’d Dr Bruce Stevens will be hosting four seminars on narcissism or excessive self-focus from a
Theological and Psychological Perspective at the Wesley Foyer on Sunday February 2, 9, 16 and 23 at 4.00 pm for around 90 minutes each.

Please download the flyer for more details of the topics to be explored each week.
A copy of the flyer is also on the notice board in the foyer.
All welcome.

Narcissism Seminars 2–23 February 2025

Rev’d Dr Bruce Stevens will be hosting four seminars on narcissism or excessive self-focus from a
Theological and Psychological Perspective at the Wesley Foyer on Sunday February 2, 9, 16 and 23 at 4.00 pm for around 90 minutes each.

Please download the flyer for more details of the topics to be explored each week.
A copy of the flyer is also on the notice board in the foyer.
All welcome.

Narcissism Seminars 2–23 February 2025

Rev’d Dr Bruce Stevens will be hosting four seminars on narcissism or excessive self-focus from a
Theological and Psychological Perspective at the Wesley Foyer on Sunday February 2, 9, 16 and 23 at 4.00 pm for around 90 minutes each.

Please download the flyer for more details of the topics to be explored each week.
A copy of the flyer is also on the notice board in the foyer.
All welcome.

What we do ...

Worship and pastoral services

We offer ...

Faith Nurturing and Activity Groups

We offer ...

Venue Hire and Carparking

We offer ...

  • free parking for church members during participation in church activities
  • Hiring of spare parking to the community in the area
    • There is a Waiting List to which you may apply to be added. You may download the Waiting List Request form from this site. Please complete and submit it to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Social Justice

The Service and Social Justice Mission Team was formed to bring together and coordinate the disparate interests and resources of our congregations, providing a forum for exchanging ideas, and a central facility for accessing resources.

Our Mission: The Uniting Church seeks to bring God’s vision of a reconciled world into the present, to reflect God’s love for everyone, work for justice and peace and follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught what it means to love your neighbour and your enemy, called on his disciples to heal the sick and give to the poor, and challenged the systems and structures of oppression in his society. In all of this, we are called to act with integrity, ensuring that our words and our deeds are aligned.

Wesley Wayfarers

Wesley Wayfarers meet on the second Sunday afternoon of each month to consider various matters of Christian faith from a progressive perspective. Progressive theology is an approach that seeks to understand the real, underlying meaning of scripture as distinct from what might appear to be its meaning from a simple literal reading of it.

Worship with us

Join us

You may be new to Canberra, or searching for a spiritual home; you may be seeking answers to some of your life-questions, or simply looking for companions. Whatever brings you to Wesley you are welcome. God has a purpose for you and invites you to share your life and your gifts with the rest of God's people.

Please feel free to attend worship and share in the life of our community whether you are a member or not. We would like to give you a name badge to help us get to know you, and we''d like your address to send you information about our programs, but that's entirely your choice.

If you'd like to become a member at Wesley just speak to a Minister or write a note to the office. Baptism and Confirmation are celebrations of membership if you are new to the Church. If you have been a member at another Church you may wish to transfer your membership.

Safe Place Statement

The Uniting Church in Australia believes that all people are made in the image of God, and as such we accept every individual regardless of race, age, creed or gender.

As a Christian Community we believe that God reaches out to us in love and acceptance and that our relationships with each other should express love and respect and not be abused.

As a community of faith we are committed to providing a place in society where human beings can explore what it means to be made in the image of God.

As an expression of this commitment, the Uniting Church in Australia recognises its responsibility to providing worshiping and pastoral communities that are free from abuse and that provide safe environments for all people to explore and express their faith in the Gospel.

Subscribe to our Wesley Uniting Church Newsletter

We will email you the Church Notices, Order of Service and upcoming Events


Wesley Uniting Church
Street: 20 National Circuit, Forrest, ACT 2603
Postal: PO Box 3217, Manuka, ACT 2603

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Fri, 10:00am to 1:00pm
phone: (02) 6295 3680
Click here to email us

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, learn and work, and pay our respects to the First Nations Peoples and their Elders, past, present and emerging.

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