Our Groups
At Wesley Uniting Church we have a big range of activity groups.
These include:
These include:
Our Youth Program
- Whippersnappers Playgroup - free pre-school playgroup
Our Social groups
- Wesley Choir - for enthusiastic choral singers, contributing at the Sunday 10.45 am service from February to Christmas
- Thursday Friendship Group (TFG) - varied program of speakers and activities followed by lunch
- Coffee Craft and Chat (CCC) - Tuesday afternoons
- Forrest Men's Shed - speakers and extra activities on Tuesday mornings, workshop on Mondays
- Wesley Social Club - a social gathering about once a month
- Monday Mahjong Group - Monday afternoons
Our Sports-oriented groups
- Walking on Wednesdays (WOW) - Wednesday mornings
- Tuesday Tennis Ladies - Tuesday mornings
- Wesley Uniting Church Tennis Club - Saturday afternoons
- Wesley Seniors Badminton Group - Tuesday mornings
- Wesley Fencing at Lancaster Hall - Wednesday evenings
For further information, scheduling and programs please contact the Church Office.