Funeral fees
At Wesley Uniting Church – as at 1 January 2023
A flat fee of $1,800 (includes minister, church, music, organist, flowers, attendant, sound, zoom, cleaning bond).
Fees may be reduced at the minister’s, organist’s, attendant’s and flower arranger’s discretion for those with an association with the Church.
You will also need to contact the Music Coordinator if you have arranged for a soloist to sing during the service. The Music Coordinator can arrange for one of the Choir principals to sing if desired, the fee for this being negotiated with the Music Coordinator. Titles of all solos need to be approved by the Minister.
Please note that this is a Uniting Church and while other clergy may be invited to participate, as is appropriate, the services are conducted by the resident Uniting Church clergy within the guidelines of Uniting Church policy or a visiting Uniting Church minister.