Wesley Church Council Meeting 12 October 2023 

Report to Congregation 

Caring for Each other 

How does Wesley seek to support growth in our spiritual lives. Each member is asked to seek connection, particularly with newcomers and to pray for each other. Remember, Elders are available to follow up on individuals if further support is needed. Please invite others to join our Christian community at Sunday worship. Alternatively, Intercessory Prayer on Zoom each Thursday at 8.30 am, Thursday Friendship Group for fellowship and worship 10.30 on Thursdays. Contact information for these or more socially oriented groups listed r in Notices. 

Please include the call for Elders in your regular prayers and speak to Rev Geoff Dornan or Tarlie Alcock, Co-ordinator of Elders before 27 October if suggesting a name for consideration 

From January 2024, we look forward to Rev Bruce Stevens’ part-time working with Rev Geoff to meet pastoral needs which are outside the scope of groups above. 


Audio Visual: Simon Cowling and Keith Hart appreciate helpful feedback from congregational members. Progress is being made by operators, coordinator of music, preachers, liturgists, office staff and the installer. Issues such as more power points are being addressed. The preferences of those accessing via Zoom or Youtube are being noted. Please contact Simon or Keith if you can assist in any way. 

Have you considered coming to an information session about how the updated equipment works to lighten the roster load and enable sharing worship beyond Wesley’s walls? 

The Property Committee continues to progress requirements to rent Wylie Street Manse, aware of the community’s housing needs and the importance of ensuring security of the residence. 

Council is grateful that budgeted giving has enabled jobs such as replacement of Lancaster lounge air conditioning, Foyer kitchen water leaks, Manse air conditioning to be completed. Volunteer work also maximises use of limited funds. 


Compliance with government laws is an increasing load for all voluntary organisations. Council and Elders continue to follow up on the auditing work of Rev’s Karyn Burchell-Thomas and Gareth Thomas-Burchell. 

Are you aware that Tessa Bradbury is the contact for a fortnightly young adults study group, John Alcock registers copyright, Heather Nash records Working with Vulnerable People cards, leaders of groups ensure volunteer forms tare submitted to Cindy Ong in the Wesley Office? 

Uniting Church Assembly through ACT2 has been seeking input for reviewing the Assembly - Synod - Presbytery - Parish structure. How to support congregations in discipleship and mission. How to sustain leadership groups in carrying leadership responsibilities. You will have seen links to these questions in the weekly Notices. Please respond on the survey forms provided if you have time. Councillors will provide some feedback. 


Church Council is mindful that the growth and health of Wesley’s faith community is daily enabled by our wonderful paid staff who team with congregational volunteers. So many give encouragement, time, skills and finances. 

In appreciation, 

Wesley Church Council 

Susan Akhurst, Tarlie Alcock, Paul Chen, Geoff Dornan, Keith Hart, Robert James, Jan Sismey, John Sutton. Jenny Dean (Apology) 

Safe Place Statement

The Uniting Church in Australia believes that all people are made in the image of God, and as such we accept every individual regardless of race, age, creed, sexuality and gender. 


Wesley Uniting Church
Street: 20 National Circuit, Forrest, ACT 2603
Postal: PO Box 3217, Manuka, ACT 2603

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Fri, 10:00am to 1:00pm
phone: (02) 6295 3680
Click here to email us

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, learn and work, and pay our respects to the First Nations Peoples and their Elders, past, present and emerging.

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