Wesley Church Council Meeting 9 November 2023 

Report to Congregation 

As the calendar year draws to a close and we begin the Christian season of Advent, there is much for which we can give thanks. 

Paul Chen and Susan Akhurst have enabled some clarification for Council of UCA Assembly’s Act 2 and a response covering councillors’ views. It is appreciated that several members of our congregation supplied individual feedback via the website. 

Council regularly reviews recommendations from the C.T P Report, Final Report to Council by Interim Intentional Ministers and Presbytery Life and Witness Report. Some resulting initiatives are: 

Behavioural covenant for Wesley: included with this report as a personal reminder and for inclusion in our prayers. 

5 studies have now commenced looking at versions of the Advent story. Thanks to followup by elders 

Tarlie Alcock, David Benger, Paul Chen, Robert James and Heather Hart received certificates for completion of the Culture of Safety Workshop on 4 November. Helen Palmer and Jan Sismey completed training earlier this year. 

In 2024 it is hoped to further the process of updating our priorities for outreach and mission.

Children’s ministry at 9.00 am service is based on the lectionary with similarly focused activity sheets available for children at either service. 

Tea and Play on the second Sunday afternoon of each month is fun for adults and children alike. Playgroup on Fridays is supported by Wesley volunteers. 

Look for Rev Bruce Stevens’ joining the worship leadership team prior to commencing 15 hours pw on 1 January 2024. 

Property: With services now being filmed for viewing on youtube, worshippers need to be aware of the possibility one might be included on screen unless seated in the Chapel. Signage to that effect will be placed at church entries and on screen prior to services as appropriate. 

Wylie Street house is being rented for a year from 17 November. 

Reserve the date in your calendar for this year’s final quarterly Working Bee on Saturday 2 December. It is anticipated that in addition to the usual weeding and pruning, there will be a list of preparation for, or completion of, minor repairs and painting jobs. Watch the Notices. 

Wesley Music Centre: is pleased to report website updating also approaching completion of painting and carpeting. 

Thanks: Reciprocal care and spiritual support is provided by members of our congregation in a multitude of ways. A phone call to the one not recently seen, a card, a smile, a word of encouragement and appreciation. Individual members enhance the growth and health of Wesley’s faith community. 

Thank you again to Cindy, Geoff, Jade, Jo, Kelle and Michael and our wonderful staff team. Thank you also to those who lead worship, activity, prayer or groups and to those who support with their attendance and active participation. 

In appreciation, Wesley Church Council  - Susan Akhurst, Tarlie Alcock, Paul Chen, Jenny Dean, Geoff Dornan, Keith Hart, Robert James, Jan Sismey, John Sutton (Apology). 


Because we value the ongoing health and vitality of our church community; and we desire to be a community that is internally strong and cohesive so that we can support and enable each other to reach out to others. 

I will:

Listen to and value others, treating others as equals regardless of background or status. 

Be open to hear different views and be prepared to move my position in the light of new information. 

Be accountable for my conduct, and where necessary, if I have a part to play, do my best to resolve conflict early. 

Act honestly, openly and fairly, and ensure that everyone feels safe within our community. 

Treat others with respect, including agree to disagree where necessary, and recognising that a difference of opinion does not imply lack of respect. 

Support and encourage others, and show appreciation for their contributions. 

Safe Place Statement

The Uniting Church in Australia believes that all people are made in the image of God, and as such we accept every individual regardless of race, age, creed, sexuality and gender. 


Wesley Uniting Church
Street: 20 National Circuit, Forrest, ACT 2603
Postal: PO Box 3217, Manuka, ACT 2603

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Fri, 10:00am to 1:00pm
phone: (02) 6295 3680
Click here to email us

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, learn and work, and pay our respects to the First Nations Peoples and their Elders, past, present and emerging.

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