Wesley Music Foundation Community Joint Venture (JV) Projects
The Wesley Music Foundation has a number of joint ventures with local cultural organisations that enables these smaller organisations to solicit funds that are tax-deductable. They are included in the listing below.
Supporting The Wesley Music Foundation
Donations of $2 or more to the Wesley Music Foundation Public Fund are tax-deductible. Donors may make a general donation for the work of the Foundation or express a preference for a project of their choice. Current projects are listed below. The strong focus is on the development of young performers and composers.
- Lois Dunn Woodwind Scholars Memorial (especially oboe, clarinet or flute)
- John Perrin Keyboard Scholars memorial (especially organ or piano)
- Gwenyth Bunning Memorial (Organ Scholarships for school student)
- Daisy Jeeves Memorial (Organ Scholarships and other projects)
- String Scholars project (especially violin, viola or cello)
- Trumpet Scholars project
- Guitar Scholars project
- Classical Guitar Composition Commissioning project (JV with the Canberra Classical Guitar Society)
- The ACT Organ School project.
- The ACT Clavier School project (all keyboard instruments)
- The ACT Voice School
- Carillon Composition Competition project (a JV with the Carillon Society of Australia)
- The Canberra String Festival 2013 (a JV with the Australian Strings Association)
- The Jill Downer Early Music Memorial
- The Harp Project and The Harp Festival 2013 (a JV with Harp Centre Australia)
- The Margaret Mansfield Fund
Information about bequests is contained in our brochure.