12/02/2010 Emails from SEE-Change sent to interested people after the Wesley Meeting
From: admin see-change <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 11:55 AM
Subject: Next Steps - Solar Communities
To: SEE-Change <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>, H Palethorpe <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In order to ensure all participants of the Solar Communities – SEE-Change Interfaith Group receive the current Feed-In Tariff rate (50c kwh), which may change at the end of June, we would like to speed things along from this end.
Consequently, after much deliberation, we thought it prudent to pass on the details you gave to us at the Public meeting on 27
th January, directly to Pyramid Power. We are extremely mindful of your privacy however and urge you to request Pyramid Power (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) remove your name from the list if you have any concerns. Alternatively you can contact Anne at our office on
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Your privacy rights are of the utmost importance to us and we have secured a guarantee from Pyramid Power that they will:
1) Maintain your confidentiality,
2) Remove your name should you request it,
3) Only use this list for the purposes of this Interfaith Project,
4) Not on-sell your details.
They are keen to start planning small public meetings for each cluster as soon as possible, so you will need to nominate a co-ordinator for your group promptly, if you plan to take advantage of the free 1.5kw system/30 installation process.
Finally, we are still receiving a number of requests from people keen to join the initiative (and more are welcome to join) and Pyramid would like to link them with a near-by cluster so that your cluster is in a stronger position to receive the free 1.5kW system. In order to do that they need the name of your cluster coordinator. Please send the details of your coordinator to Pyramid Power (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and to SEE-Change (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). You will be given a priority response from Andy Brown, the designated Pyramid Power staff person who will deal with the Interfaith bulk buy.
We look forward to the prompt start of this process, and are always keen to receive feedback on
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.We also look forward to signing you up as a member of SEE-Change if you have not already done so
www.see-change.org.auYours sincerely,
Helen Palethorpe and Vanessa Morris
www.see-change.org.au6162 2320
Downer Community Centre,
Frencham Place, Downer
PO Box 7025, Watson, ACT 2602
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on behalf of admin see-change [
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Wednesday, 3 February 2010 2:13 PM
To: SEE-Change; H Palethorpe
Subject: SEE-Change Interfaith Solar Initiative
Hello everyone
Thank you very much for coming to the meeting last Wednesday evening and for your interest in the SEE-Change's Interfaith Solar initiative. We're delighted you are considering installing photo-voltaic cells on the roof(s) of your faith organisation or on your own household roof.
We met with Pyramid Power yesterday and can inform you about the next few stages of the process if you are ready to proceed to purchase.
1. Make contact with Pyramid Power. Visit their website
atwww.pyramidpower.com.au. Click on the ‘Interfaith” tab at the top of the page. (The web site is being upgraded and will be ready late this afternoon or tomorrow). Please note: you must make the first contact with Pyramid Power, they will not be contacting you.
2. Follow their '5 simple steps' list on their site, to help you go through the process with the ease.
Yesterday we clarified with Pyramid Power the issue of forming “clusters” in order to benefit from their offer of a free 1.5kW system for each 30 systems installed. They assured us that individuals can contact them and deal with them directly. However, if “clusters” can be formed the offer of a free 1.5kW system is available for your church or a community organisation of your choice.
a) What do we do first?
If you wish to proceed on an individual basis, contact Pyramid Power. They will send out an information package.
If you wish to take advantage of the free 1.5kw system for your faith group's roof, you'll need to appoint a co-ordinator, who will then be the main contact for Pyramid Power in the beginning.
b) What do we do if we are a small faith group with fewer than 30 members?
You have a choice: either you go ahead as originally planned and don't receive the free 1.5kw system - OR SEE-Change will help bring smaller groups together. It may mean that the free 1.5kw system will not go onto the faith group's roofs, but the combined parties choose another not-for-profit's roof instead, but we can talk about that down the track.
c) What will organiser's responsibilities be after they've recruited the 30 systems?
They will be the person who communicates with Pyramid’s appointed bulk buy manager Andy Brown at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and with the members of the bulk buy “cluster”.
Finally we thought you'd be reassured to know that Pyramid Power will be running two sessions for each 'cluster': one to answer further questions and give a full briefing for new arrivals. The second for those who want to sign on. They will be approximately 6 weeks apart.
About SEE-Change. (SEE stands for Society, Environment, Economy)
SEE-Change has organised this bulk buy with a group of volunteers in order to take community, grass-roots action on climate change.
We rely solely on government funding and membership fees, so we would greatly appreciate you joining SEE-Change if you take part in this bulk buy. Membership entitles you to our newsletter, free or discounted entry to all SEE-Change events, voting rights on SEE-Change Inc (our central steering committee) and the opportunity to join us on an incredible journey to help transform our city.
Climate Change can be an overwhelming subject - and governments can't do everything - so we've decided to take responsibility, get on with it, and feel good in the process. And we'd love you to join us.
SEE-Change is a local community organisation made up of people such as yourself, who are committed to transforming Canberra into a sustainable community. Our members' Vision is to 'inspire, inform and support action to reduceCanberra's ecological footprint' and we are thrilled your community has been inspired to join our community for the betterment of our planet's long term health, as well as your own faith organisation!
We are made up almost entirely of local volunteers and our members contribute in a wide range of ways. Some run hands-on workshops to demonstrate how we can grow our own food, preserve fruit and veges and compost home scraps. Some host 'Over The Back Fence Tours' where you can visit their gardens, and homes, to see how they are 'reducing their ecological footprints' and saving money in the process. Others are renting out bike trailers or running Interfaith Solar Bulk Buys.
If you choose to join SEE-Change, you'll receive updated information on all of these events and more. Annual membership is $25 per household (for up to three adults),$10 for low income earners or $50 for an organisation (Church etc). Please see attached forms or visit our website at
www.see-change.org.au and click on to learn more. We also hope to have forums up soon on solar issues, so stay tuned.
Feel free to contact the SEE-Change office at (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Helen (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have further questions or concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Helen Palethorpe, Convenor, SEE-Change Interfaith Solar Bulk Buy and
Vanessa Morris, Executive Officer
www.see-change.org.au02 6162 2320
Downer Community Centre,
Frencham Place, Downer
PO Box 7025, Watson, ACT 2602